Sample Microgreens from Drowsy Dragon Farm at Green Fields Market
Green Fields Market 144 Main Street, GreenfieldStop by Green Fields Market to sample microgreens from Drowsy Dragon Farm. Friday, December 15, 11am to 2pm.
Stop by Green Fields Market to sample microgreens from Drowsy Dragon Farm. Friday, December 15, 11am to 2pm.
Events on our calendar are either happening at one of our stores and organized by our co-op or an event sponsored by the co-op.
Franklin Community Co-op is an inclusive, community-supportive co-operative. As such, we ask that groups considering utilizing one of our meeting spaces respect our desire to preserve and provide safe spaces for all members of our community, with the understanding that we reserve the right to preserve that safety by denying access to those groups that would abuse that commitment. Additionally, we reserve the right to cancel scheduled events or room usage in the event of weather emergencies, flooding, or other structural concerns that would endanger the lives of our employees and guests.