What you value matters! Please join us to define our shared Co-op values
The Board is exploring what values Co-op member-owners hold most dear. These will serve as a guidepost for future decisions and priorities.
As you may know, the Board is in the midst of re-evaluating our “Ends” policies. Under our system of governance, Ends policies are specific goals the Board provides to the General Manager with regard to running the organization. We have come to realize that a broader set of ideas – our shared values – would help balance and guide these operational targets.
We request your assistance in defining our shared Co-op values.
Please join in one or more upcoming Open Forum discussions:
Monday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m.: in person at our Community Room, 170 Main St., Greenfield
Saturday, Dec. 14 at 10 a.m.: virtual
Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 7 p.m. virtual
Saturday, Jan. 18 at 10 a.m. in person at our Community Room, 170 Main St., Greenfield
You may also:
- Send us your thoughts directly: values@franklincommunity.coop.
- Tell us what role you feel co-ops in general and FCC specifically should play today? What do
you care most about?
For more information on this initiative, please see the upcoming issue of the New Beet.