Sample Rupert Cheese from Consider Bardwell Farm at Green Fields Market

Green Fields Market 144 Main St., Greenfield, United States

Stop by Green Fields Market to taste Rupert, an aged cheese made with raw cow milk, made by Consider Bardwell Farm in West Pawlet, Vermont. Rupert is this month's Cave to Co-op special at $18.99/pound. Tuesday, June 11, 11:30am to 1:30pm.

Sample Rupert Cheese from Consider Bardwell Farm at McCusker’s Market

McCusker's Market 3 State Street, Shelburne Falls, United States

Stop by McCusker's Market to taste Rupert, an aged cheese made with raw cow milk, made by Consider Bardwell Farm in West Pawlet, Vermont. Rupert is this month's Cave to Co-op special at $18.99/pound. Tuesday, June 11, 11:30am to 1:30pm.

FCC Board of Directors Meeting

Community Room 170 Main St, Greenfield, MA, MA, United States

The Co-op's Board of Directors meets in our Community Room at 170 Main Street, Greenfield. Join us at 6:00 p.m. for dinner catered by GFM, business meeting starts at 6:30 p.m.

Board Development Committee Meeting

Community Room 170 Main St, Greenfield, MA, MA, United States

The Franklin Community Co-op's Board Development Committee meets monthly and all are welcome to attend meetings. The purpose of the Board Development Committee is to support the Board assessing its own performance, develop strategies to improve Board effectiveness, and recruit candidates for the Board. FCC's Community Room, 170 Main Street, Greenfield, 5:30-7pm.

5 Minutes with a Board Member at Green Fields Market

Green Fields Market 144 Main St., Greenfield, United States

Come chat with new FCC board member Wendy Sibbison! Wendy has been in Franklin County since 1970 and has been a Co-op member since 1993. Last year she was on the team that raised $1.6 million in member loans toward the Co-op’s expansion. Says Wendy, " Please stop by, I look forward to meeting you!" Saturday, […]

Sample Emergen-C Vitamins/Electrolytes Mix at Green Fields Market

Green Fields Market 144 Main St., Greenfield, United States

Stop by Green Fields Market to sample Emergen-C Vitamins/Electrolytes mix and take advantage of the 20% off Flash Sale on boxes of Emergen-C that is happening June 18-23. Tuesday, June 18, 11:30am to 1:30pm.

Juneteenth Celebration at Beacon Field

Visit us at our Co-op table at Greenfield's 3rd annual Juneteenth Celebration put on by Mpress Bennu's Moving Mountains at Beacon Field. Enjoy music, dance, speakers, food, vendors, and fun while chatting with board members and staff and picking up some sweet Co-op swag! Read more about Juneteenth in the events calendar at Beacon […]

Sample Brewer’s Crackers at Green Fields Market

Green Fields Market 144 Main St., Greenfield, United States

Stop by Green Fields Market to taste Brewer's Crackers, made with upcycled grains. Thursday, June 20, 11am to 2pm

Member Engagement Committee Meeting

Community Room 170 Main St, Greenfield, MA, MA, United States

All are welcome to attend the Member Engagement Committee meeting on Thursday, June 20, 4:30-6pm at the FCC Community Room, 170 Main Street, Greenfield.

Events on our calendar are either happening at one of our stores and organized by our co-op, an event sponsored by the Co-op, or an event at which we are tabling to provide information.

Franklin Community Co-op is an inclusive, community-supportive cooperative. As such, we ask that groups considering using our meeting spaces respect our desire to preserve and provide safe spaces for all members of our community, with the understanding that we reserve the right to preserve that safety by denying access to those groups that would abuse that commitment. Additionally, we reserve the right to cancel scheduled events or room usage in the event of weather emergencies, flooding, or other structural concerns that would endanger the lives of our employees and guests.