Green Fields Market | McCusker's Market
Karen Axtell is a printmaker and painter who has exhibited throughout the region over the past 30 years. Her latest work, titled Timepieces, is a series of mixed-media, abstract monoprints about time. These 24 pieces reference the hours, and are printed on handmade paper, layered with water and oil based materials. The work is a continuation of the series titled Intervals, exhibited earlier this year.
The layering and mark-making are inspired by the passing of time; how we measure and use time. The prints are a testament to how time affects all things: sound, light, and movement; how it affects us physically, and emotionally. Time is a part of all things. Timing is everything.
Events on our calendar are either happening at one of our stores and organized by our co-op, an event sponsored by the Co-op, or an event at which we are tabling to provide information.
Franklin Community Co-op is an inclusive, community-supportive cooperative. As such, we ask that groups considering using our meeting spaces respect our desire to preserve and provide safe spaces for all members of our community, with the understanding that we reserve the right to preserve that safety by denying access to those groups that would abuse that commitment. Additionally, we reserve the right to cancel scheduled events or room usage in the event of weather emergencies, flooding, or other structural concerns that would endanger the lives of our employees and guests.