You can learn about the candidates below and also view a recording of the Candidates Forum here. Note: Candidate Bill Bickford was not able to attend the forum.
Voting started on Feb. 17 and ends at the Annual Meeting on March 2, at 3:45 p.m. The ballot this year only includes candidates for the Board and only one ballot may be cast per member-owner number. Member-owners can vote for up to four candidates either online using Simply Voting or by requesting a paper ballot in Green Fields Market or McCusker’s Market (starting on Feb. 17). Paper ballots are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, February 28.
Member-owners: If you didn’t receive your voting information by email and/or a letter, please contact Outreach & Communications Manager Caitlin von Schmidt by email or by calling 413-325-8802 asap. Thank you!
The 2025 Board Candidates

Bill Bickford
Why do you wish to serve on the Board?
I wish to serve on the Board to play a more active role in guiding the development & growth of the Co-op.

David Campbell
Why do you wish to serve on the Board?
My wife and I moved to Leyden in 2019, with the intention of retiring here. Previously we lived closer to Boston and we do not miss the traffic and the suburban sprawl! We come to Greenfield frequently for all of our basic services, to enjoy the downtown and of course, to pop into the Co-op. We enjoy the convenience, charm, and small-town friendliness of Greenfield, and want to be part of making sure the town has a thriving future.
For me personally, as I look toward my retirement years, I want to be more involved in and
connected to the local community. I am very interested and supportive of the upcoming
expansion of the Co-op Into Wilson’s, and this is what really sparked my interest in joining the Board. I have decades of experience in finance. For the past few years, I have been delivering a large scale IT project with a lot of moving parts. I’d love to be able to offer my
financial and management expertise to the Board and the Co-op community.

Tammy Erickson
Why do you wish to serve on the Board?
I have served on the Board for the past two years and have found it both challenging and satisfying to be part of a group of committed volunteers, wrestling with the complexities we face.
Being a member of the FCC Board allows me to bring together two aspects of my life. To some who know me, I’m a professor at Harvard and London Business School, teaching modern leadership – enhancing innovation, customer connections and innovation. My work has been well-received, and I’ve won a number of awards, including being named five times as one of the Top 50 Management Thinkers in the world and for having the most influential article published in Harvard Business Review one year. I love helping my clients strengthen their organizations and leadership practices.
Others know me as a bit of a ‘down and dirty’ farm-lover. I’ve bred horses and currently breed dogs. At one point we had over a dozen horses at our previous farm, doing most of the work to care for them ourselves. When our kids were younger, I ran the local Pony Club, involving over 60 kids. I’ve raised over a dozen litters of Cairn Terriers. My dogs have won at Westminster twice and at the World Dog Show in Paris. I love to garden – and despite vows to cut back, I can’t resist planting more. My son and daughter-in-law ran a CSA from our former farm, offering vegetables, pigs, chicken and sheep, introducing me to a network of local growers. I’m passionately interested in the local food system and sustainable agriculture.
I want to see Greenfield – and everyone in it – grow and prosper. My husband Tom and I moved here nearly five years ago, in part because our son and daughter-in-law had already decided to call this home. We’re now blessed with a three-year-old granddaughter, giving us a strong commitment to the betterment of this community. I believe FCC is uniquely poised to catalyze community-wide benefits and am proud to play a part.

Peter Garbus
Why do you wish to serve on the Board?
The Franklin Community Co-op stands poised to make a significant difference for the city of Greenfield and Franklin County. Many think that’s been the story for years; such promise, yet has happened yet. I served on the FCC board for eight years before hitting my term limit. I am running to rejoin the board for another term in order to help bring the co-op’s planned relocation and expansion into reality. I’m also running to help realize the second item of our Ends Statement, which says “The co-op will supply healthy, reasonably priced foods. . . .” The board, with the engagement and support of our membership, can bring about these two consequential outcomes.

Kelly Moore
Why do you wish to serve on the Board?
I believe that my skills as a social scientist, my broad and deep experience in inclusive participatory democracy and policy-based governance, community-based work, and knowledge of and experience with food systems, will enable me to be highly effective in serving member-owners, and to work effectively with the Board of Directors.